Whether you are upgrading landfill or digester gas to RNG for pipeline injection, or using it to fuel engines, turbines, microturbines, boilers or fuel cells - we can eliminate all your siloxane and VOC related problems.
Got post combustion exhaust catalysts? No problem. Our guaranteed performance will give you the peace of mind you need in any situation.
Watch our video showing some common applications, a few of the many sites using our gas treatment equipment, and our production facilities.
Then, download our Application Data Sheet to tell us about your biogas project, and let us show you how our siloxane and VOC reduction systems can improve your profits, protect your investments, and simplify your day to day operations.

Renewable Natural Gas Projects
When upgrading biogas to natural gas quality for pipeline injection, siloxane and VOC reduction is a critical step to protect your upgrading process as well as to achieve pipeline gas quality specifications and emission require-ments. While activated carbon beds may work for small flows and low contaminant levels, it saddles the project with high consumable costs, high maintenance require-ments and lots of downtime. Regeneration is the answer. Our systems can reduce consumables, maintenance and downtime by more than 90%.

Reciprocating Engines
Reducing siloxanes in the fuel gas for your reciprocating engines will eliminate silicone dioxide build up as a cause of maintenance, significantly reducing the frequency of oil changes, spark plug changes, top end overhauls and parts failures. It will also maximize engine efficiency and uptime, increasing power production and project revenue.

Gas Turbines
Siloxane build up in a gas turbine will significantly reduce efficiency over time, fouling nozzles and recuperators, and leading to frequent and expensive overhauls. Siloxane reduction eliminates siloxane related maintenance and keeps your turbine operating at peak efficiency, minimizing costs and maximizing profits.

Exhaust Catalysts
Left untreated, siloxanes can destroy an exhaust catalyst in a matter of hours, so when post combustion catalysts are required for emissions control, reliable and verifiable siloxane reduction is a necessity. Two stages of siloxane treatment with an integrated continuous siloxane monitor ensures siloxane levels remain below detectable limits, providing guaranteed catalyst protection.

Siloxane buildup in a landfill or digester gas fueled boiler will coat internal surfaces and foul burner tips, significantly reducing heat transfer efficiency. Just one overhaul of your boiler to remove siloxane related build up can more than pay for a regenerative siloxane reduction system. Consider it an insurance policy - and a smart investment.

Fuel Cells
Siloxanes can cause rapid failure of a fuel cell if left untreated. Even levels of a few ppb have been found to lead to rapid deposits and failure. As with other critical applications, two stages of siloxane treatment with an integrated continuous siloxane monitor ensures siloxane levels remain below detectable limits providing guaranteed protection and worry free operation.